Recently we were contacted by Brendan Lee of Ribbit, who wanted to contribute some space for a PureMVC presence at Adobe Max this year. They have a meeting room available as part of their package at the conference, but there are a few hitches.
So, how best to take advantage of this opportunity? There's not enough room for an actual presentation and developers are generally path-of-least-resistence driven folk; a block away puts it into roughly the same geographic region as Mount Everest.
What we're going to attempt is something more akin to a pirate radio broadcast.
For 2 hours on Tuesday November 18th from 3pm to 5pm PST, we'll have an Acrobat Connect conference room open to the world at the physical location and URL below, where I'll be broadcasting with my shiny new webcam, answering questions, and talking about the state of the PureMVC project itself.
Also, I'd like to open the floor for Show and Tell, so if you have a PureMVC app you'd like to show off, contact me, and I'll schedule you in.
For those at the actual conference, please drop by and chat. I'm told there'll be beer and chips possibly. Arrrrh!
PureMVC Pirate Internet Radio Conference Takeover Headquarters
Tuesday November 18th, 2008 from 3pm to 5pm PST
San Francisco Marriott
55 Fourth Street
Suite K, 5th Level - Sierra
San Francisco, CA 94103 (one block from Moscone West)
The only kink in the plan was that the space turned out much larger than expected and it was filled with people who were also in the virtual room via laptop. Though we couldn't tell it at the time, much of the dropout that seemed to be happening for observers at Pirate HQ was in fact local packets being dropped since we were on conference wireless.
PureMVC Project Architect and Head Pirate Cliff Hall introduces the lineup and otherwise puts in a full pirate's day trying to keep the ship on an even keel. Just stayin' afloat with the extreme packet loss we suffered at the HQ was a chore. We had to fireman's carry the bit buckets back and forth constantly just to keep from going under! Despite it all, she was a yar rig and we managed to come out nearly unscathed! Arrrrh!
Ribbit has created a telephony platform based on PureMVC which allows you to easily add VOIP and SMS to your Flex, Flash and AIR pplications. Speaking about the Ribbit platform and some of the exciting things going on there is one of the key developers on the project, Brendan Lee.
HomeDepot has launched two similar Flash applications called "Think in colour" and "Redefining floors" which to help the customer choose Paint and Flooring. One of those applications was built on PureMVC and one wasn't. Dominic Gélineau is a Flash programmer at Twist Image who worked on both projects, and he describes the differences between the two apps from development perspective.
Late Nite Labs provides a virtual lab solution for distance learning education. The problem with distance learning science courses, such as biology and chemistry is the lab requirement. Late Nite's Reactor and Radience apps, are able to fulfill the academic requirement and schools can save on lab expenses. Speaking about Reactor and Radience is Daniel Swid, a developer on the project at Late Nite Labs.
If you've ever tried to promote an idea within a large company and had difficulty getting any joy, you'll appreciate Kindling. Javier Julio works for Arc90, a midtown Manhattan web consulting and product firm. He introduces Kindling, Arc90's first product which is a web-based idea management application and be demoing a standalone AIR client he developed using Kindling's REST API.
Claus Wahlers, a became a personal icon of mine when he co-authored FC64 - a Flash based Commodore 64 emulator that actually runs all the ld games that many of us knew and loved. Sadly the FC64 wasn't built on PureMVC, but Claus's latest project is. AUPEO! is a new music driven social networking platform. And here today to talk with us about it is none other than Claus himself.
The first and ONLY hypervisor agnostic, cross-platform virtualization management solution! Kodiak from BlueBear is a hybrid management framework and client-side interface to leading virtualization products from companies such as from VMware, Citrix and Microsoft. Kodiak's simple, yet powerful design provides end-users and developers alike with a tremendous amount of flexibility and power when interacting with virtual IT infrastructures through a modular, highly extensible application framework.
Code generation has been a subject of much discussion in the PureMVC community since its inception, and several products out there already support it to some extent. Nick Collins is the author of PureMVC Studio which allows you to quickly and visually lay out your application skeleton, complete with multiple cores, views, proxies, value objects, notifications, commands, and additionally custom singletons or generic classes. Each of these classes are then generated from user customizable templates and a fully importable Eclipse/FlexBuilder project is generated. The application allows you to target either the browser, or AIR platform, as well as choose whether you want your view code to be MXML based or pure AS3.