Software, precisely built.

Global Interest in PureMVC Rises After European Talks

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Futurescale responds to growing interest in PureMVC with European talking tour, including the UK, Germany, and Denmark. Heightened project activity ensues.

It is said that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. It seems there may be a grain of truth to this old adage after all.

Since its introduction just over a year ago, support and enthusiasm for the PureMVC framework has been growing steadily from all around the globe. And when something like that happens, recalling the story of Johnny Appleseed is also worthwhile. Thus, when we were recently contacted by a company in Copenhagen to do some on-site architecture and development work, the opportunity to engage directly with the community was too good to pass up.

Responding to the growing interest in PureMVC, Futurescale CEO and Project Architect, Cliff Hall delivered a series of open to the public talks on PureMVC to developers in Europe.

Adobe was kind enough to provide space for the first two talks in London and Hamburg, the latter being held at the meeting of the Hamburg Flex User Group, who kindly covered Mr. Hall's expenses for the event. In Copenhagen, Shiller House was our gracious host, and attendees arrived from as far as Sweden. As a direct result, PureMVC forum and email traffic has shown an marked increase.

For instance, during the month of May 2008, Google Analytics reports over 5,000 visits from nearly 14,000 pageviews on the repository project site for the AS3 version of the framework alone. These visits represented over 3,000 unique visitors hailing from 88 different countries or territories.

The top 5 visiting locations were US, France, UK, Germany and China. Not surprisingly, these were the countries for which a native language version of the prescriptive PureMVC Best Practices and Implementation Idioms document exists.

At this time, there are over 25 contributors to the project, from 9 different countries including: Australia, China, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States, and Romania. The efforts of this dedicated group of individuals have brought the number of publicly accessible framework ports, demos and utilities to over 40.

In its first month the PureMVC Developer's Group on Linked-in, the popular social network for professionals, grew to over 400 members from 65 countries.